5 Signs Someone Has an Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

Are you concerned that a loved one might have a substance abuse problem?

It’s no secret that addiction to drugs and alcohol is a serious disease that can quickly destroy a life and end relationships. That’s why it’s so important to understand the signs that someone in your life might need help.

The key is to realize that you can recognize specific behaviors when a person is addicted to alcohol. This enables you to encourage them to check themselves into a rehab facility. Here we take a look at how to tell if someone is on drugs. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Sudden Changes In Behavior

One of the first things you might notice with an addict is a sudden change in their behavior. This includes a disinterest in the family activities they used to enjoy or simply a lack of any motivation at all.

Keep in mind that most people are creatures of habit, thus a noticeable shift in behavior should be cause for concern.

2. Mood Swings

Drugs and alcohol make people act differently than they normally would. Thus you’ll likely notice major mood swings for no reason at all. This can be a stressful experience, so just remember that the substance abuse is causing the erratic mood swings, not you.

3. Inability to Focus

When a loved one is under the control of alcohol addiction, it will be increasingly difficult for them to focus for extended periods of time. Because of this, they will have a hard time at work or school.

Here’s a resource where you can learn how to use VA funds for rehab.

4. Neglecting Responsibilities

Another tip for how to tell if someone is on drugs is when they start letting daily responsibilities slide. This includes showing up for work or school on time, caring for children or pets, or simply failing to pay bills on time.

5. Change of Friends

Addicts also typically start hanging around different peer groups. That’s because they will likely be attracted to fellow addicts.

An addict will probably ignore loved ones, start acting increasingly secretive, hang out with a crowd that shares their desire to drink and use, and refuse to participate in normal family activities. This includes family meals or attending church. Once you notice this type of change in behavior, you’d be wise to encourage them to find a quality rehab facility.

Common Signs of Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

There’s no denying that millions of people each year fall under the spell of substance abuse. That’s why it’s so important to be able to recognize the signs of addiction to drugs and alcohol so that you can get them the help they need as soon as possible.

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